YaYp 1.1.5 is out

An ICS Emulator for POGO Chess
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YaYp 1.1.5 is out

Post by matematiko »


YaYp 1.1.5 is now available for download. Expires sometime in October 2011!!!!

Before I post the link please read the entire post.

There is not an installer yet, and probably won't be, since we do not have the time, so:

Existing users: Download the new version and replace old YaYp.exe with new one (link at the end of this post)..

New Users: Download the installer at http://www.mediafire.com/?imfz0mztwfz and install YaYp, then replace old YaYp.exe with new one (link at the end of this post).

What is new? No much:
-Users now can not choose to create tables that do not switch seats (Thanks to you know who).
-An autoboot was implemented to try to boot people that are not in your friends list. This was done thanks to an imbecile that does not know how to program a real autoplayer and instead comes with a flooder. The intention of the autoboot is to get rid of these people before they have the time to kibitz long messages and freeze YaYp.
There is not guarantee whatsoever that this autoboot will help, it is released with the hope that it will. How does this work? In pogo only players that are seated can boot. So if you are seated as whites , your YaYp will try to autoboot players that come and observe as whites and are not in your friend list. Very important, the autoboot works only with observers no with players (Think about it: If you are whites you can not boot someone that is trying to sit as blacks, even if you auto-reject him, that person will observe as your opposite color). Anyway, to add or remove someone to your friends list: enter friend userid, for example friend mocha, the user must be in the room. You can also edit the file friendslist.txt. YaYp reads this file every time it starts and is usuable for whatever ID/SN you use.
-Thanks to the same imbecile that was creating tables with not forced seats switch, now a new variable was created: It is call "overrated" the default is that it will autoreject (even if they are not in your autoreject list) someone that has more than 599 point than you. To change this enter set overrated.
-The default of the variable wait was inverted, now YaYp by default won't wait for players that stand or leave the game and will auto claim the win immediately. To change this enter set wait.
-Some other minor cosmetics changes.

The intention of this release is to help improve things but is not guaranteed in any way, shape or form. If you do not like it do not use it.

Other than changing the expiration date and maybe (just maybe) fixing the bugs (if any) introduced with this release, there won't be more YaYp releases based in perl. The flooder got away with his evil intentions because perl is so slow, for us it is almost mission impossible to modify a super-obfuscated script. So, time to start learning c and make a YaYpC...this will take a long time or maybe it won't ever happen, we will see.

The link for the new exe is:

Best regards,

YaYp Team

P.S. Report bugs in a different topic, this topic has been locked so users can easily find the download links and instructions. Moderators/Admins: Please do not add nothing more to this topic
Using engines to cheat:
- It is not ethical,
- It is useless, nothing is gained (how can one be proud of a score earn with dishonesty?)
- You will be baned, sooner or later,
- It gives us (the true chess engine players) a bad reputation.
